论文编号: | 172511O120100275 |
第一作者所在部门: | 三室一组 |
论文题目: | WTi纳米晶非挥发性存储器 |
作者: | 刘明 |
论文出处: | SCI收录 |
刊物名称: | Nanotechnology |
年: | 2010 |
期: | 21 |
影响因子: | 3.137 |
摘要: | Well isolated Ti0.46W0.54 NCs were embedded in the gate dielectricstack of SiO2/Al2O3. A MOS capacitor was fabricated toinvestigate its application in a non-volatile memory device. The retention characteristic of this MOS capacitor was demonstrated by a 0.5 V memory window after 104 s of elapsed time at room temperature.The endurance characteristic was demonstrated by a program/erase cycling test. |