论文编号: 172511O120120342
第一作者所在部门: 四室一组
论文题目: 多级MMIC功率放大器测试系统
作者: 欧阳思华
刊物名称: Applied Mechanics and Materials
: 2012
: 1
: 227
联系作者: 欧阳思华
影响因子: 0.579
摘要: Based on GaN HEMT the monolithic microwave power amplifier (MMIC) with great advantages of high operating voltage, high output power, wide frequency bandwidth and small features loss has been widely used in phased-array radar, aerospace, missile interception system. However, MMIC test has many disadvantages, such as, including many microwave instruments, test process is complex, manual operate lots of instruments, and write down test data, result in slowed down test process. In the paper, it introduces a new system by ourselves. This can simplify the MMIC test process, and free ourselves from heavy test task, and focus the performance of circuit. It realizes the automatic test and proves it using a based on GaN HEMT 2×4 MMIC circuit.
备注: EI收录