论文编号: 172511O120120171
第一作者所在部门: 四室一组
论文题目: 硫化铵处理对锗表面的MOS器件的性能影响
作者: 刘洪刚
刊物名称: Chinese Physics Letter
: 2012
: 4
: 2012
: 046801-1
联系作者: 刘洪刚
影响因子: 0
摘要: Surface treatment for Ge substrates using hydrogen chlorine cleaning and chemical passivation are investigated on AuTi/Al2O3/Ge metal-oxide-semiconductor capacitors. After hydrogen chlorine cleaning, a smooth Ge surface almost free from native oxide is demonstrated by atomic force microscopy and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy observations. Passivation using a hydrogen chlorine solution is found to form a chlorine-terminated surface, while aqueous ammonium sulfide pretreatment results in a surface terminated by Ge-S bonding. Compared with chlorine-passivated samples, the sulfur-passivated ones show less frequency dispersion and better thermal stability basedoncapacitance-voltagecharacterizations. ThesampleswithHClpre-cleaningand(NH4)2Spassivationshow less frequency dispersion than the HF pre-cleaning and (NH4)2S passivated ones. The surface treatment process using hydrogen chlorine cleaning followed by aqueous ammonium sulfide passivation demonstrates a promising way to improve gate dielectric/Ge interface quality.
备注: SCI收录