论文编号: 172511O120120137
第一作者所在部门: 四室一组
作者: 贾锐
刊物名称: 27th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition
: 2012
: 1
: 385
联系作者: 贾锐
影响因子: 3.399
摘要: Silicon (Si) nanostructures which have potential use for solar cell have been synthesized by two steps. The silver nanoparticles were formed; and silver catalyzed etching was utilized to create Si nanostructures. The sizes of the nanostructures can be controlled by the formation and etching conditions. Further, the Si nanostructuretextured solar cells have been manufactured and tested. The optical reflection can be decreased to 5%. The optical property and current-voltage (I-V) measurement indicate that the Si nanostructure-textured solar cells will promisingly exhibit good performance if better passivation and electrode contact were provided. This fabrication method of Si nanostructures could open potential application in photovoltaic.
备注: 其他国外刊物