专著名称: | AIP Conference Proceedings |
研究中心: | |
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主编单位: | AIP Conference Proceedings |
出版时间: | 2012-06-25 |
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编写人员: | 刘明 |
总字数: | |
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著作性质: | 电子、通信与自动控制技术 |
编辑出版单位: | AIP Conference Proceedings |
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参编内容: | Si/Al离子注入HfO2器件的阻变特性 |
著作简介: | The effects of Si and Al ion implantation on the resistive switching properties of a HfO2-based resistive random access memory (RRAM) device are investigated. Testing results demonstrate that Si or Al implantation into HfO2 films results in reduced electroforming voltages and improves reproducibility of resistive switching over 1,000 cycles as measured by a DC voltage sweeping method. Furthermore, the Si or Al implantation into HfO2 resistive switching memory devices was found to improve device yields, reduce operating voltages and their variability, expand on/off resistance ratio (>103 for Al-doped, > 500 for Si-doped), and increase retention times (>3 × 105 s at room temperature). Doping by Si or Al ion is suggested to improve the formation of conducting filaments in HfO2 matrix and thus improve the performances of the Pt/Ti/HfO2/Pt device. |
其它备注: | 国外出版-外文 |