论文编号: 172511O120120165
第一作者所在部门: 四室一组
论文题目: 一款输出功率24瓦的Ku波段GaN基功率放大器
作者: 罗卫军
刊物名称: Microelectronics Journal
: 2012
: 43
: 569
联系作者: 罗卫军
影响因子: 1.3374
摘要: A Ku-band power amplifier is successfully developed with a single chip 4.8 mm AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs). The AlGaN/GaN HEMTs device, achieved by E-beam lithography l-gate process, exhibited a gate-drain reverse breakdown voltage of larger than 100 V, a cutoff frequency of fT?30 GHz and a maximum available gain of 13 dB at 14 GHz. The pulsed condition (100 ms pulse period and 10% duty cycle) was used to test the power characteristic of the power amplifier. At the frequency of 13.9 GHz, the developed GaN HEMTs power amplifier delivers a 43.8 dBm (24 W) saturated output power with 9.1 dB linear gain and 34.6% maximum power-added efficiency (PAE) with a drain voltage of 30 V. To our best knowledge, it is the state-of-the-art result ever reported for internal-matched 4.8 mm single chip GaN HEMTs power amplifier at Ku-band.
备注: SCI收录