论文编号: 172511O120120110
第一作者所在部门: 十室一组
作者: 孟令款
刊物名称: 真空科学与技术学报
: 2012
: 9
: 793
联系作者: 孟令款
影响因子: 3.844
摘要: A novel technique was developed to effectively planarize the high-K metal gate etch-back in the advanced CMOS fabrication, where the feature size is scaled down to 45 nm. In the newly-developed technique, the two-step spin on-glass plasma etch-back was combined with in-situ oxygen plasma treatment .The negative effect of the non-uniform distribution of the polymer on the reactive ion-etching rate was eliminated.As a result , the thickness non-uniformity within the-wafer(excluding the 5 mmwafer edges) can be easily realized. In the scanning electron micrographs of the planarized metal gate etch-back, no chemica-l mechanica-l polish-like dish effect was observed on both the isolated and the dense sub-micro gate-stack structures, indicating that the planarizat ion technology does a good job for the nano-scale high-K /metal gate-last CMOS device integration.
备注: EI收录